Ad specialties offer lowest Cost-Per-Impression

According to a new research study conducted by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), among businesspeople over age 21, revealed that advertising specialties beat out all forms of TV, radio and print advertising as the most cost-effective advertising medium available. The average cost-per-impression of an advertising specialty item is $0.004, making it less expensive per impression than nearly any other media. According to Nielsen Media data, says the report, the CPI for a national magazine ad is $0.033; a newspaper ad is $0.0129; a prime time TV ad is $0.019; a cable TV ad is $0.007; a syndicated TV ad is $0.006; and a spot radio ad is $0.005.

Among key findings, results indicate that:

84% of people remember the advertiser on a product they receive
42% have a more favorable impression of an advertiser after receiving an advertising specialty
24% indicate that they are more likely to do business with an advertiser on items they receive
62% of respondents have done business with the advertiser on a product after receiving it
Writing instruments are the most commonly-owned advertising specialty, followed by shirts, caps and bags

Additional findings:
More than three-quarters of respondents have had their items for about seven months
Bags were reported to be used most frequently, with respondents indicating that they use their bags on average nine times per month
Bags deliver the most impressions, with 1,038 impressions per month on average